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Cavendish Astrophysics

Radio astronomy and radio cosmology
Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Re-ionization


I am interested in the study of the early epochs of the Universe via observations of the 21-cm line. I am also interested in developing novel sensors and instrumentation for radio astrophysics, space technology and communications. 

Research group: Cavendish Radio Cosmology

Projects: SKA, REACH (PI), HERA, CosmoCube


Key publications: 

Find here a list of my publications.

Teaching and Supervisions


MPhil in Data Intensive Science - module leader and lecturer

Head of class Part IA Physics Laboratory

Research supervision: 

More info here.

Head of Cavendish Radio Astronomy and Cosmology
Associate Professor of Radio Cosmology
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow
Fellow at Selwyn College

Contact Details

Email address: 
Room G09
Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics,
Cavendish Laboratory,
JJ Thomson Avenue
+44 (0)1223 337365
Takes PhD students
Available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
Radio Astronomy
Dark Ages
Cosmic Dawn
Epoch of Re-ionization
21-cm Cosmology