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Cavendish Astrophysics


New maps from the Planck satellite have uncovered the ‘polarised’ light from the early Universe

New maps from the Planck satellite have uncovered the ‘polarised’ light from the early Universe across the entire sky, and reveal that the first stars formed much later than previously thought.

The imaging is based on data from the Planck satellite, and was developed by the Planck collaboration, which includes the Cambridge Planck Analysis Centre at the University's Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford at the London Planck Analysis Centre.

The Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge, or KICC, was founded in 2008 and comprises astronomers and cosmologists from across the University of Cambridge. The Institute consists of members from the Instititute of AstronomyCavendish Astrophysicsand the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology.

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