HI 21cm cosmology meeting
Cambridge, 27th June - 1st July 2016
*** The registration is now closed ***
The upcoming years will witness a revolution in HI 21cm interferometric observations of the epochs of Cosmic Dawn and Reionization. The potential is huge, as the 21cm line of neutral hydrogen probes both astrophysics and cosmology during these poorly understood epochs. First generation instruments, including LOFAR, MWA, and PAPER, are producing the first interesting limits on the reionization HI 21cm signal, with the potential for a statistical (power spectrum) detection in the next few years. Second generation instruments like HERA and SKA, are under construction, and could provide us with tomographical maps of the early Universe.
The success of these large investments will be measured by what we learn about our Universe. To tap into the available wealth of information, we need to overcome significant challenges, on both the observational and theoretical fronts. Thus far, these investigations have proceeded more-or-less independently, in small groups. However a synergy between observers and theorists could be crucial in providing realistic data analysis pipelines that couple theory to observation. These will include foreground removal, data processing, modeling the cosmic signal, statistical techniques, with each component depending in detail on the others.
The proposed workshop is intended to bring together instrumentalists, observers and theorists, in order to pool together knowledge and foster lasting collaborations. The latest results from the active experiments will be discussed, as well as the capabilities and design of the next generation facilities. This workshop will foster the establishment of HI 21cm cosmology studies in Cambridge, at a critical juncture in the design of SKA-Low – a project in which Cavendish Astrophysics plays a leading technical role. The workshop will include scientists from the global reionization efforts, including South Africa, Europe, Australia, and the USA.
The goal is to maximize the scientific return of the upcoming 21cm observations of the epochs of Reionization and Cosmic Dawn.
Please follow this link to see the agenda. - **Updated 30/06/2016 Please note that day 5 starts at 9:00 am**
The meeting will take place in the Martin Ryle Seminar Room at the Kavli Institute, Cambridge (http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/directions). The delegates are asked to access the Kavli institute via the main entrance.
Due to limited parking restrictions, if you are planning on driving to the meeting, please use the Madingley Road Park and Ride site, which is a short walk from the meeting venue. If you require disabled parking, please contact karen@mrao.cam.ac.uk, to arrange a space.
Social events:
- Conference dinner at St Edmunds college (Wednesday 29th of June).
- Tour of the MRAO at Lord's Bridge (Friday 1st of July).
The registration is now closed.
Accommodation for non-invited attendees:
Non-invited attendees are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements. Please find below some accommodation suggestions:
Conference Cambridge - conferencecambridge.com/accommodation
Benson House - bensonhouse.co.uk
Arundel House Hotel - arundelhousehotels.co.uk
You could also try contacting any of the Cambridge colleges directly to see if they have any availability or try the Cambridge Tourist Information website for details of local guest houses and hotels.
Accommodation for invited attendees:
Please contact Karen Scrivener directly (karen@mrao.cam.ac.uk) for details and to provide your requirements.
SOC: Bernardi, Carilli, Chapman, Dillon, Hazelton, Jacobs, Lentati, Mesinger, Pober, Pritchard, Santos.
LOC: Carilli, Lentati, Scrivener, Wolton-Carr, de Lera Acedo.
This meeting is supported by the Kavli Foundation and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, and the Cavendish Astrophysics Group