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Cavendish Astrophysics


Big Data/Exascale Astronomy

Projects such as the SKA are exemplars of big data astronomy and exascale computing.



Radio Astronomy and Cosmology

We study the early epochs of the Universe through observations of the 21-cm line from cosmic Hydrogen. We run the REACH experiment and participate in other experiments like HERA or the SKA. We also develop our own radio instruments and apply that knowledge to other scientific and technological challenges.



Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

A significant fraction of the Astrophysics Group is involved in work on the Cosmic Microwave Background, both experimental and theoretical. We are currently operating the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager, an arcminute-scale survey telescope, and developing analysis techniques for the Planck satellite.




Our research team focuses on the detection and characterisation of extrasolar planets. We are also involved in the development of new instrumentation.



Galaxy Formation and Evolution

The two main research interests within the Galaxy Evolution area are the formation and cosmological evolution of galaxies, in particular the physical mechanisms regulating star formation and galaxy assembly, and secondly the origin and evolution of radio sources and the effect they have on their environment. There is mounting evidence that these phenomena are in fact closely related.



Optical Technology

The main focus of our research is the application of the aperture synthesis technique at optical wavelengths, in order to produce extremely high resolution images of astronomical objects.



Star Formation

An understanding of the process of star formation is an essential requirement of theories of galaxy formation and evolution, and gives direct insights into the formation of our own Sun and the number of extra-solar planets we expect to find in the Galaxy. We use telescopes operating at millimetre and sub-mm wavelengths to observe the cool molecular clouds which are collapsing to form stars and help understand the basic physics of star formation. The image shows the Orion A molecular cloud, with SCUBA-2 850 micron emission (red) tracing dust lanes which block the optical light observed with HST (blue).

Orion A molecular cloud, with SCUBA-2 850 micron showing dust lanes blocking optical light observed with HST.


Theoretical Cosmology and Gravitational Physics

We work on topics in theoretical cosmology and astrophysics, as well as on advanced data analysis methods for cosmology. The active areas of research span inflationary cosmology to novel neural network methods, with a common theme of the confrontation of theoretical predictions with experiment, and the best way to carry this out. Topics addressed include Bayesian Evidence-based comparison of cosmological models and data sets, tests of predictions from modified gravity theories, gravitational wave template detection and analysis, and tests of inflation using data from the Planck Satellite. We also work actively on more theoretical topics involving the construction of modified gravity theories themselves, and the localisation of energy and spin in General Relativity.
